
One timers are perhaps the most effective and dangerous way to score in ‘94.  The shots come fast, and seem to be more accurate than slapshots, usually finding the open net.  It’s basic, and powerful.

The mechanics of a one-timer are simple.  Press B to pass to another player and then press C before the puck arrives to make your player shoot the puck.  As long as the puck is near his stick,  the one-timer will execute.  You don’t need to aim the puck,  and pressing a directional pad won’t affect the placement of the shot.  Forehand or backhand also doesn’t matter as the one-timer shot defies physics and will zip off the stick regardless of it’s placement.

Here are some common applications of the one-timer.

Winger to Center

One-timer 101!  The most common and effective way to score a goal is to set up a one-timer from either winger to your center.  A common play is to skate straight down with your winger behind the goalie,  and then feed your center for the one-timer.  This is not a difficult play to execute, and the only thing you need to watch for is an open passing lane (and angry defenseman trying to lay you out!). If you see the opening, pass the puck!  A successful one timer here will lead to many goals.



Quick Timers

Since one-timers tend to have higher accuracy and power,  learning to get them off from close range is a great skill.  The shooting player does not need any time or distance to execute a one-timer, the only caveat is how quickly you can press B & C in succession.  Being able to get off a rocket shot in close space is a huge advantage,  allowing you to sneak in a goal you may not have gotten with a slapper or wrister.  Examples are shown in the video below.

Give ‘N Go

This nifty play works well against both computer and human controlled goalies as it will get the goalie out of position.  The play starts by taking a player (can be anyone) in front of the net with the puck,  passing it once to another player and then right back to the original person for the one-timer.  The idea is to get your shooter in place, and do a quick back and forth to release the one-timer.


Offensive Zone Faceoffs

When you have have a faceoff in the offensive zone, this is one play that you should strongly consider trying as it is difficult to defend and you have a great chance at a goal.  It’s really just a set-play quick timer, as explained above.

The first play is to win the faceoff to your defenseman on the side of the faceoff circle (LD on left faceoff, RD on right), immediately pass to the winger lined up closer to the goalie (your LW if the faceoff is on the right circle, RW if on the left), and let a one timer rip.  This is a great play that I try the majority of the time on offensive zone faceoffs.  You can even go so far as to edit your lines before the faceoff to place a sniper at the wing (assuming you don’t have one there already), to maximize your scoring opportunity.  The downside is if it doesn’t work,  you’re stuck playing with a different lineup until the next whistle.  I’d only recommend changing the lineup if it’s late in the period, OR if the switch doesn’t impact your lineup much.  If successful,  the entire play takes 3 seconds off the clock.


Another play is to go directly from center to winger.  This more difficult to predict because it’s hard to win a faceoff to your own center, and the distance from center to winger is even shorter than defensemen to winger.  However, the same principle applies, get it to your winger immediately for the one-timer before your opponent can get set.


Here is a video that shows you the different one-timer applications that were described on this page.